Contact Golden Plan Choice to learn about Houston, TX Medicare health insurance plans.
Incredible Houston, TX Medicare health insurance can be yours when you contact Golden Plan Choice! Our health insurance company can help you with all the Medicare fine details and even enroll you in a plan if you’re eligible for Medicare. In addition, we can offer plenty of other types of insurance as well, such as life, group, family, and funeral insurance.
Golden Plan Choice has many years of experience helping our local communities in Houston, TX get the health plans they need. We give you the tools you need to make smart, informed choices on your health care. We offer many types of Medicare, including bundled plans like Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Supplement. For basic and supplemental plans alike, we can help you get the coverage you need.
Health insurance is one of the smartest investments you’ll ever make, but sadly it’s sometimes far beyond the budgetary reach of many individuals. A government-run health insurance program like Medicare strives to cover the gaps and give seniors the coverage they need in their old age. And if you already have Medicare and wish to switch to a different type of Medicare plan, we can help you with that too.
For more information about our stellar Medicare health insurance plans, please contact Golden Plan Choice today. Our Houston, TX Medicare health insurance plans will help you get the coverage you need. Our expert team will be happy and willing to help you out, so call us today.
Why Houston, TX Medicare Health Insurance?
It can be tough these days to afford your health insurance. With the rising costs of prescription drugs and medical treatments, health insurance is now more important than ever to make sure you don’t leave your family with a financial burden that they won’t be able to recover from.
Unfortunately, due to the too-high premiums that insurance companies can simply increase without warning, health insurance can still be out of reach for most people in terms of affordability. Matters, however, have greatly improved thanks to the Affordable Care Act, which bans insurance providers from denying people with pre-existing conditions and chronic diseases.
Still, there’s a long way to go, and with Medicare health insurance, you can get a whole range of services for your old age at a low premium or at no cost to you. With low to zero Medicare premiums, you can get peace of mind in your care.
There are tons of Medicare health insurance plans out there, including Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Part A, B, and D. And as a Medicare beneficiary, you can switch to plan that can give you the long-term care you need.
Golden Plan can go over every plan that may suit you best. Be sure to ask any questions you may have so you know exactly what you are getting.
Explore Medicare Health Insurance Plans
Medicare is a federal program for seniors aged 65 and up. If you and your spouse have been paying Social Security taxes, then you should be automatically enrolled in the program once you turn 65. What usually happens is that three months before your 65th birthday you receive a sign-up sheet through the mail. Some younger people can also be eligible to receive Medicare provided that they meet certain criteria.
There are three parts to what is now called Original Medicare. Medicare Part A, also known as Hospital Insurance, covers hospice stay, inpatient care, and care at a skilled nursing facility. It also covers some home health care services.
Part B, also known as Medicare Insurance, covers certain services provided by doctors, preventative care, and outpatient care. In addition, Part B also covers medical supplies.
Part D is prescription drug coverage. Depending on the types of prescription you have, Medicare Part D may or may not cover the entirety of the cost. However, any shots or vaccines recommended by your healthcare professional should be covered.
Medicare Advantage & Supplemental
Original Medicare includes Part A and B, with Part D as an option. Other bundled plans include Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement.
Medicare Advantage is an alternative to Medicare Part A and B, usually including these as well as Part D. In addition, Medicare Advantage covers routine dental and vision checkups, as well as hearing care in the form of hearing aids. It also covers preventative care in the form of gym memberships and wellness programs.
Also, if you find yourself struggling to move around your home, home modification services in the form of grab bars, meal deliveries, and non-emergency transportation is also covered under Medicare Advantage.
Medicare Supplement, by contrast, is known as a “medigap,” serving to cover all the gaps of Original Medicare. With Medicare Supplement, you can get emergency care coverage even when you go abroad, provided you don’t wait more than sixty days. Moreover, Medicare Supplement is a guaranteed renewable, meaning that your insurance company will be unable to drop you from the plan so long as you keep paying your premiums.
Golden Plan Choice is here for you to help you get the Medicare health insurance plan you deserve.
Trust Golden Plan Choice Today
No matter what kind of Medicare health insurance plan you’re interested in, Golden Plan Choice can help. Our agency works hard to find the right health insurance plan for you. With the complexities of the health care insurance marketplace, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Moreover, it can be hard to find a plan that will meet your budgetary needs and that will provide the coverage you need.
Golden Plan Choice is here to give you peace of mind in your health care. If you’re eligible for Medicare but are not on automatic enrollment, you can easily enroll through us. We can take you step by step through the process and answer any questions you may have.
So don’t wait to receive the coverage you so desperately need. Contact Golden Plan Choice today or drop by our office location. We guarantee that you can get a Houston, TX Medicare health insurance plan that is right for you.
Fun Facts About Houston, TX:
- It was named after Sam Houston.
- Houston is the fourth-largest city in the U.S.
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