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Find Affordable Medicare Health Insurance | Laredo, TX

Laredo TX medicare health insurance

Golden Plan can go over every Laredo, TX Medicare health insurance plan that may suit you best. Be sure to ask any questions you may have so you know exactly what you are getting.

Golden Plan Choice can help you find high-quality and affordable Laredo, TX Medicare health insurance plans. If you’re thinking about switching to another Medicare plan or even enrolling in Medicare yourself if you’re not automatically enrolled, then Golden Plan Choice is the insurance agency for you.

Golden Plan Choice has been helping our local communities in Laredo, TX for over 15 years, as well as local communities in El Paso and Houston. We are a health insurance company committed to finding you the health insurance that is right for you and your family. We can determine your Medicare eligibility and help you enroll in a Medicare plan that will provide you the coverage you need.

Golden Plan Choice offers information about all kinds of Laredo, TX Medicare health insurance, including bundled plans like Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement. If you need coverage for medical, hospital, and prescription drug expenses, then enrolling in one of these plans will help you get the help you need.

If you’re ready to explore your options, please contact Golden Plan Choice today or visit us at our Laredo office location. We can help you find the Medicare health insurance plans that can help you out.

We Can Give You Incredible Laredo, TX Medicare Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the best investments you can make. When the worst occurs and you find yourself in the hospital, the last thing you want to deal with are medical bills and expenses your family will be struggling to pay for months from now.

With the rising medical and hospital costs all around, getting health insurance is guaranteed to protect you from financial fall-out. Even the most basic forms of health insurance offer free preventative care such as exams and vaccines.

That said, affordability and accessibility are still issues when it comes to health insurance. Insurance companies can raise their premiums without informing their clients and the healthcare insurance marketplace is as complicated as ever.

Matters, however, have improved with the passing of the Affordable Care Act of 2009. Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can no longer deny people with disabilities coverage nor put a dollar limit on the amount of funds allotted to each person. The ACA expanded screenings and preventative care, as well as required that every healthcare plan must include coverage for:

  • Hospitalization
  • Ambulatory services
  • Emergency services
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health disorders
  • Prescription drugs
  • And more.

The Affordable Care Act has served to lower health insurance costs across board. However, gaps still persist, and for people nearing retirement age, Medicare is still one of the best insurance programs out there, if not the best one.

Laredo TX medicare health insurance

Contact Golden Plan Choice to learn about Medicare health insurance plans.

Medicare Health Insurance

Medicare is a federal program designed to help people aged 65 and up afford healthcare. In the past, some seniors have gone homeless and bankrupt from being unable to pay for medical expenses and prescription drugs. Medicare was created as a response to these injustices.

If you and your spouse have been paying Social Security taxes, then you should be automatically enrolled in the program once you turn 65. Three months before your 65th birthday you should get a notice in the mail. However, you can also enroll in the program and other Medicare plans, and younger people that fit certain criteria, such as having End-Stage Renal Disease, are also eligible.

Medicare has three parts: Part A, Part B, and Part D. Part A is also called Hospital Insurance and it covers inpatient stay, hospice care, care in a skilled nursing facility, and some home health services. Part B is called Medical Insurance, covering services provided by doctors, outpatient care, and preventative services and medical supplies.

Part D, however, is devoted solely to prescription drug coverage. Depending on your plan, some or not all your prescription drugs will be covered. However, any shots or vaccines recommended by your healthcare professional should be covered.

Part A and Part B together, with Part D as an option, consist Original Medicare. Other bundled plans include Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement, which not only include Parts A and B, but also other benefits as well.

Medicare Advantage & Supplement

Medicare Advantage is a bundled plan that can provide you with tons of coverage. Not only does it include Part A and B, but it also includes Part D as well. On top of that, it also includes routine dental and vision checkups, as well as hearing care. It also provides coverage for preventative care in the form of gym memberships and wellness programs.

In addition, if you or your loved one are having trouble navigating around the house, Medicare Advantage also covers home modification services. These include grab bars, meal deliveries, and non-emergency transportation.

Medicare Supplement, on the other hand, known as “Medigap,” aims to cover all the gaps of Original Medicare. It provides emergency care coverage when you travel abroad, provided that you don’t wait longer than sixty days. Moreover, it is a guaranteed renewable, meaning that insurance companies cannot drop you so long as you keep paying your premiums.

Laredo TX Medicare health insurance

Golden Plan Choice is here for you to help you get the Medicare health insurance you deserve.

Call Golden Plan Choice Today

It can be hard to decide which Medicare health insurance plan is right for you. But at Golden Plan Choice, our team can provide you with the tools you need to make smart, educated decisions about your health care. Our team has many years’ worth of experience navigating the healthcare marketplace and can find the best options available for you.

We also provide crucial enrollment services for both Medicare and ACA-compliant plans. If you’re ever confused about any aspect of the enrollment process, we can provide guidance for you as well.

Apart from Medicare, we also offer educational material on life, group, family, funeral insurance, and countless more. So don’t hesitate to call us today or drop by our office location. We can help get you the Laredo, TX Medicare health insurance you need.

Fun Facts About Laredo, TX:

  • Laredo is the only city in Texas to fly under seven flags.
  • It is the nation’s largest inland port of entry.
  • Laredo has a Hispanic population of over 95%.