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Spectacular Obamacare Enrollment Services | Houston, TX

Houston, TX Obamacare enrollment

Contact Golden Plan Choice and speak about Houston, TX Obamacare enrollment with an agent.

Do you know what to do when open Houston, TX Obamacare enrollment comes around? The Affordable Care Act of 2009 has changed the health insurance marketplace for the better. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what they need to know regarding how to sign up or what ACA plans can do for them. For an affordable health insurance plan that covers your health care needs, Golden Plan Choice can help you today.

Health insurance can be one of the smartest investments you can make in your lifetime. Paying a monthly premium to receive health care services instead of paying for everything upfront can save you money in the long run. Plus, with health insurance, you often get free preventative services such as vaccines, screenings, and exams. In the end, you’ll get the peace of mind knowing that whatever happens, you and your family won’t have to dip into your savings that could be used for other necessary expenses.

Unfortunately, health insurance premiums can get very expensive. This is due, ultimately, to the rising costs of medical treatment and prescription drugs throughout the years. Moreover, insurance companies could raise premiums for no reason at all. As a result, most people who were unable to afford health insurance simply went without it, with devastating consequences to them and their loved ones.

With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, more people than ever can afford health insurance and get the care they need without breaking the bank. Golden Plan Choice is here to provide crucial education on what the ACA means for you, what some of their plans entail, and what to do when the Obamacare enrollment period comes along.

Golden Plan Choice has more than 15 years of experience in the health insurance industry. Our team are experts at navigating the health insurance marketplace. Our mission is to find you the health plan and health coverage that is right for you and your family.

For health insurance plan in Texas you can rely on, call us today or drop by our office location. We can advise you on what to do when the Houston, TX Obamacare enrollment period is near.

We Can Help You Through Houston, TX Obamacare Enrollment

Golden Plan Choice is here for you every step of the way. We can help guide you through Obamacare enrollment and provide crucial information on how to enroll.

hat certain healthcare services are free. These services include colonoscopies, cholesterol and blood pressure checks, birth control, routine vaccinations, and several other services.

The Affordable Care Act has been changing millions of American’s lives with better and more affordable health care. Check out our Obamacare enrollment services today!

The Affordable Care Act

With health insurance a private commodity in the United States, lower-income people without means have been struggling to afford insurance to get the quality care they needed. Medicare, a government-run insurance program, only covers people 65 years and older in their retirement, leaving a wide swath of younger people effectively uninsured.

After much debate, the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2009, providing a crucial alternative for people under 65 to cover their health care needs. The ACA lowered health insurance costs across board, as well as expanded screenings and preventative care. This preventative care includes routine vaccinations, colonoscopies, cholesterol and blood pressure checks, birth control, and several other services.

In addition, under the ACA, every health care plan must include coverage for the following:

  • Hospitalization
  • Ambulatory services
  • Emergency services
  • Lab tests
  • Prescription drugs
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health disorders and substance abuse
  • Vaccinations
  • Chronic disease management
  • Rehabilitative Services
  • And pediatric dental and vision care

Most significantly, under the ACA people with pre-existing conditions such as cancer can no longer be denied health insurance by insurance companies. Moreover, young adults can stay on their parents’ health plans until they are 26 years old.

With so many benefits that come from these plans, getting an ACA plan may be what you’re looking for. However, enrollment in Obamacare plans is limited only to a certain period. You may even incur a late enrollment penalty if you enroll too late.

Golden Plan Choice is here to guide you through the Obamacare enrollment process. Even if you miss the enrollment period, there are still ways for you to get the medical coverage you need. For instance, you may meet the qualifications for a “special enrollment period.” This special enrollment window is only available if you experience a qualifying life event, such as losing your previous coverage, getting married, or changing your household’s number.

Miss the enrollment period? Do not worry. There are other health insurance programs that you may be eligible for and that are open all year long. These have their own requirements and specifications.

The exact dates of the Obamacare enrollment period differ from state to state. However, most enrollment periods start near the end of the calendar year, carrying into the January of the next year. For more information about the Obamacare enrollment period and what to do if you miss the enrollment period, call Golden Plan Choice today!

Houston, TX Obamacare enrollment

We’ll help you with all the complex Obamacare enrollment details. Call us today!

We Can Provide Obamacare Enrollment Services

You don’t want to miss the open Obamacare enrollment period when it comes along, so be sure to contact us today. Other similar insurance plans that we offer include all types of Medicare, as well as life insurance, group insurance, and final expenses insurance. You can enroll in any of our plans through us, as well as sign up during the Obamacare enrollment period.

Our expert team can provide detailed market analysis, comparing health care plans to see which one is right for you. That way, you get our professional judgment and help craft a personalized health plan that suits your needs. Everyone’s health and financial situation is different, and so will your health plan.

Golden Plan Choice can help you make powerful, informed decisions on your health care. So don’t hesitate to call us today or drop by our location! For ACA plans that will cover the care you need, make sure you sign up for the Houston, TX Obamacare enrollment period.

Fun Facts About Houston, TX:

  • Houstonian residents eat out more than residents of any other American city.
  • Houston was named after Sam Houston.
  • It is home to the largest medical center in the country.