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Affordable Health Insurance Can Be Yours | Conroe, TX

health insurance Conroe TX

Golden Plan Choice is the best way to find affordable health insurance Conroe, TX.

Health insurance Conroe, TX is one of the smartest investments you can make when it comes to your health care. With a health insurance plan, you can protect yours and your family’s finances in case a major accident happens and you wind up in the hospital and burdened with sky-high medical bills.

A good health insurance plan will be able to cover all these incurring costs and get you the health care you need. Most health insurance plans also usually cover free vaccines, screenings, and other preventative care, so that you will never have to spend out-of-pocket to get these services.

Unfortunately, health insurance can and is often quite expensive, with too-high monthly premiums. Thanks to the passing of Affordable Care Act, some of the gaps have been narrowed and there are now inexpensive and affordable options out there. Still, gaps persist and not everyone knows what they need to know regarding medical insurance.

That’s where we come in. Golden Plan Choice gives you the knowledge and tools you need to make smart, informed choices about your health care. No matter what your financial or health situation is, you can be sure to find an affordable plan that will cover these expenses. We offer all kinds of insurance, from individual and family insurance to life, dental and vision, and final expenses insurance.

We have over 15 years’ worth of experience in the health industry, navigating the health insurance Conroe, TX marketplace. Our team is expert and knowledgeable about many health plans, so call us today or drop by our Houston office.

Find Cheap & Effective Health Insurance Conroe, TX Plans With Us

In the past, health plans were not only expensive but also inaccessible to the people who needed it the most. People with chronic illnesses and pre-existing conditions such as cancer could be denied insurance. Moreover, insurance companies could and would increase monthly premiums without warning, making millions of people pay more for their insurance than they need to.

Matters have improved with the passage of the ACA, which forbade insurance companies from denying people with pre-existing conditions coverage. Moreover, it expanded screenings and preventative care, including free colonoscopies, cholesterol and blood pressure checks, birth control, routine vaccinations, and other care.

As a result, the ACA lowered health insurance costs across board, creating a whole new marketplace of ACA-compliant plans to choose from. Young adults can stay on their parents’ health plans until they are 26 years old and overall the ACA has become an alternative for people under the age of 65 to cover their health care needs.

We at Golden Plan Choice can help enroll you in an ACA-compliant plan that will cover your health care needs. ACA enrollment is limited only to a certain period once a year, usually near the end of the year and continuing onto next year.

If you so happen to miss the enrollment period, you just may be eligible for a special enrollment period provided that you meet certain criteria first; that is, you have experienced a qualifying life event, i.e. losing your previous coverage, changing your household’s number, getting married, etc.

If you aren’t eligible for an ACA plan, however, don’t worry. There are plenty of the individual and family health insurance plans that can be right for you. And if you are 65 and older, or approaching 65, you could be eligible for a Medicare plan.

health insurance Conroe, TX

Government health insurance can be difficult to navigate at times. Let us help you to make sure you are getting the exact coverage you need.

What Is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal insurance program designed for people over 65 years old. If you and your spouse have been paying Social Security taxes, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare. Three months before your 65th birthday you should get a paper notice and sign-up sheet in the mail. Younger people that fit certain criteria – if they have been diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease, for example – can also be eligible for Medicare.

Medicare is split into three parts: Parts A, B, and D. Part A, also known as Hospital Insurance, covers inpatient care, hospice care, and some home health care services. Part B is also known as Medical Insurance and covers outpatient care, care provided by doctors, and even preventative services.

Finally, Part D is dedicated to prescription drug coverage. Depending on the cost of your prescriptions, only part of the cost may be covered. However, Part D will cover any shots or vaccines recommended by your healthcare professional.

health insurance Conroe TX

Golden Plan can go over every health insurance plan that may suit you best. Be sure to ask any questions you may have so you know exactly what you are getting.

Golden Plan Choice Is Here To Help

Golden Plan Choice is dedicated to helping you make the best decision possible when it comes to your health care. Most insurance companies and agencies prefer to obfuscate and confuse the layperson so that they can be tricked into paying more for their health insurance than you absolutely have to.

We would never play such tricks and games when it comes to your health care. Our information is up-to-date and we will always go to the most affordable options first if possible. We can help you enroll in an ACA plan or a Medicare plan if you’re eligible – we also offer a host of other insurance plans, including life insurance, group insurance, final expense, and dental and vision.

Our expert team knows all there is to know about the insurance marketplace. We can provide you with detailed market analysis, doing extensive research to look for plans with the best rates. Our team can then create custom solutions and find you the personalized coverage you’ve been needing.

We understand more than anyone that health care plans can get complicated very quickly. So trust in our expertise and call us today or drop by our office location. With Golden Plan Choice, you can be sure to get a health insurance Conroe, TX plan that is right for you and your budget.

Fun Facts About Conroe, TX:

  • It is the county seat of Montgomery County.
  • Conroe was named after Isaac Conroe, a Union calvary officer.
  • In the 1930s, the city boasted of more millionaires per capita thanks to oil profits.