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Get Affordable Health Insurance Right Now | 79936

affordable health insurance 79936

Are you trying to find affordable health insurance 79936? Golden Plan Choice can help you!

It can be difficult to find truly affordable health insurance 79936 that will cover your medical and health needs. Health insurance is one of the smartest investments you can make when it comes to your health. As we all know, life happens, and it only takes a millisecond for you to wind up in the hospital bed, burdened with medical bills you or your family will have to pay off. Health insurance can protect you from financial liability.

That said, health insurance plans can get really expensive really quickly. Insurance premiums can change on a dime and sometimes your health insurance doesn’t or won’t cover what you need it to cover. In the past, people with pre-existing conditions would often be denied health care by insurance companies.

Much has changed, however, with the passing of the Affordable Care Act of 2009. Under the ACA, people with pre-existing conditions and chronic issues cannot be denied health insurance by their insurance. Moreover, the ACA has expanded screenings and preventative care, which includes colonoscopies, cholesterol and blood pressure checks, birth control, routine vaccinations, and other care. And under the ACA, young adults can stay on their parents’ health insurance until they are 26 years old.

As a result, more than 16 million Americans have health insurance than in previous years, with particular growth among the young adult population. The ACA has lowered health insurance costs across board, which has made affordable health insurance 79936 easier than ever to obtain.

We understand, however, that not everybody knows what they need to know regarding affordable health insurance, as well as the health insurance marketplace in general. That’s where Golden Plan Choice can help. We are dedicated to finding the right health insurance for you and your family. Our expert team has decades of experience navigating the complex health insurance marketplace; with our help, you’ll be able to find a plan that you can afford and that will meet all of your medical needs.

So don’t allow yourself to pay high premiums for health insurance that doesn’t give you anything. Contact Golden Plan Choice to get started or drop by our El Paso office location. No matter your health or financial situation, we can help you find the affordable health insurance you need.

Our Affordable Health Insurance 79936 Plans Can’t Be Beat!

There are many affordable health insurance plans that may be right for you. If you are eligible for an ACA-compliant plan, then we can help you enroll in the program when the time comes. Enrollment in an ACA plan, more commonly known as Obamacare, is only possible during certain periods. The enrollment periods differ slightly from state to state, but usually it’s towards the end of the year and rolling over to the next year.

If you happen to miss the enrollment period, then don’t worry. You may just be eligible for a special enrollment period. You may qualify to enroll during this special period if you have experienced a qualifying life event. This includes a change in marital status, a change in phone number, or losing your previous coverage.

But even if you do not qualify for an ACA-compliant plan, there are many ways you can affordable health insurance. We offer both individual and family insurance, as well as group insurance, dental and vision insurance, and others. If you are over the age of 65, for instance, you should be automatically enrolled in Medicare; if not, then we at Golden Plan Choice can happily help you out in that respect.

affordable health insurance 79936

Consider your prescription costs when choosing a Medicare or Medigap plan.

Explore Medicare Plans

When it comes to affordability, there are few plans that can best the plans by a government-run program. Medicare is a federally-run program for seniors over the age of 65. If you or your spouse have been receiving Social Security benefits, then you should be automatically enrolled in the program on the eve of your 65th birthday.

Medicare has three bundled plans: Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Supplement. Original Medicare comprises of Medicare Parts A and B, with Part D as an option. Medicare Part A covers hospice care and some home health care services; Part B, known as Medical Insurance, covers all the services provided by doctors, as well as some preventative care.

Medicare Part D, however, is usually set apart as it only covers prescription drug costs. Depending on the costs of your drugs, the entirety of the cost may not be covered. However, Part D will usually cover any shots or vaccines recommended by your healthcare professional.

Medicare Advantage goes beyond Part A, B, and D to include routine dental and vision checkups, as well as hearing care. Preventative care in the forms of gym memberships and wellness programs are also included. Moreover, some home modification services, such as grab bars, meal deliveries, and non-emergency transportation are covered.

Medicare Supplement, on the other hand, aims to cover all gaps of Original Medicare. For more information about Medicare and Medicare bundled plans, call us today.

affordable health insurance 79936

Golden Plan can go over every plan that may suit you best. Be sure to ask any questions you may have so you know exactly what you are getting.

Contact Golden Plan Choice Today!

Affordable health insurance needn’t be an exotic desert mirage, forever out of your reach. At Golden Plan Choice, you can get health insurance that will cover your needed medical expenses and more without your having to break the bank. In addition, we can help get you enrolled in both the ACA and Medicare, as well as any type of insurance you wish.

Our team are experts and knowledgeable about health insurance in general. We analyze data and compare and contrast plans, helping you decide which plan is the best for you. We work hard to give you the tools you need to make powerful, informed decisions about your health insurance. Not everyone knows what they need to know regarding health insurance and so we are here to find you the best deal possible.

So don’t wait until your insurance company denies you care yet again. Contact Golden Plan Choice today and find the affordable health insurance 79936 you need.

Fun Facts About El Paso, TX:

  • Its nickname is the Sun City.
  • El Paso is a five-time All-America City Award winner.
  • It was laid out in 1859.